Cannabis recommendations from the comfort of your own home. Getting your medical marijuana recommendation has never been safer and quicker. Download the app, fill out our health questionnaire, then have a live video chat with a physician.
It's a risk free process. After your visit and if you are approved, you will be emailed a recommendation, and a hand-signed copy will be sent to the mailing address provided. Overnight delivery is also available.
We offer service daily from 8am to 10pm.
cadangan ganja dari keselesaan rumah anda sendiri. Mendapatkan cadangan ganja perubatan anda tidak pernah menjadi lebih selamat dan cepat. Memuat turun aplikasi, mengisi soal selidik kesihatan kita, maka mempunyai sembang video secara langsung dengan pakar perubatan.
Ia adalah satu proses yang bebas risiko. Selepas lawatan anda dan jika anda diluluskan, anda akan dihantar melalui email cadangan, dan satu salinan tangan ditandatangani akan dihantar ke alamat surat-menyurat yang diberikan. penghantaran semalaman juga disediakan.
Kami menawarkan perkhidmatan harian 8:00-22:00.
Cannabis recommendations from the comfort of your own home. Getting your medical marijuana recommendation has never been safer and quicker. Download the app, fill out our health questionnaire, then have a live video chat with a physician.
It's a risk free process. After your visit and if you are approved, you will be emailed a recommendation, and a hand-signed copy will be sent to the mailing address provided. Overnight delivery is also available.
We offer service daily from 8am to 10pm.